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Bioidentical Hormones

Family Medicine of Florida -  - Family Medicine Practice

Family Medicine of Florida

Family Medicine Practice located in Winter Park, FL

Throughout the natural aging process, hormones become imbalanced, which can lead to distressing symptoms that affect your daily quality of life. Dr. Leach offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to restore your hormone levels and improve your overall well-being. To learn more about bioidentical hormones offered by the team at Family Medicine of Florida in Winter Park, Florida, call or book online today. 

Bioidentical Hormones Q & A

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are hormones with a similar molecular structure to the ones your body naturally produces. 

As you age, you may develop a hormone imbalance due to a decline in hormone production. Because these hormones play an important role in many of your body’s vital functions, any changes in their levels can lead to various symptoms that lower your quality of life.

Many people experience a reduction in their natural hormone levels as they age. Men experience a drop in testosterone described as andropause, while women lose estrogen and progesterone during menopause, the time when periods stop for good.

What are the symptoms of a hormone imbalance?

There are many symptoms that people can develop because of a hormone imbalance, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Mood changes
  • Low sex drive
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Weight gain

Men may also experience low sex drive, loss of muscle mass, increased body fat (especially around the waist), decreased bone mass, elevated blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

A hormone imbalance in women can cause night sweats, trouble sleeping, hot flashes, vaginal irritation, and pain with sex.

To confirm your symptoms relate to a hormone imbalance and not an underlying medical condition, Dr. Leach can perform various diagnostic tests in his office to help evaluate your hormone levels. 

How do bioidentical hormones work?

To rebalance your natural hormone levels, Dr. Leach offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Depending on your preference, he may provide bioidentical hormones in the form of: 

  • Pills
  • Patches
  • Injections 
  • Topical cream or gels 
  • Implanted pellets

The most common form is implanted pellets. These pellets go under the skin of your buttocks and release a steady stream of bioidentical hormones.

Bioidentical hormone therapy rebalances your hormone levels to provide long-term relief for your symptoms. Bioidentical hormones may also offer anti-aging benefits and support your overall nutritional health to restore energy and vitality.

Are bioidentical hormones safe?

In most cases, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a safe and effective treatment. While bioidentical hormones are not designed for everyone, they may be right for you if you experience uncomfortable symptoms associated with low hormone levels. 

To learn more about bioidentical hormones offered by Family Medicine of Florida in Winter Park, Florida, call or book online today.